Gone Fishing ehf

  • Vöru Teklon Fly III var bætt við samanburðarlista
Flokkar > Veiðihjól > Flugu hjól

Fly Reel 4 spools and case

  • 21 350 ISK
  • Á lager

Highly durable die cast aliminium cassette reel 
Large arbour design for fast retrieve 
Touch button for fast spool release 
High impact glass reinforced spools 
Strong aliminium cage and spool housing 
Fully vented for lightness 
Easy to change from right to left hand wind 
Powerful and positive easy to use drag adjuster 
Complete with 3 spare spools (4 in total) 
Fully padded condura reel case with sections 
For reel and spools fully enclosed with zip 
Reel 5/7 with spool and without line weighs 160 gms

  • Flylinenr: 5-7
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